RPi – RGB LED strip WS2812B

I got a 30 RGB Led strip with WS2812B:

Its digital, it operates on 5V.  Each led draws approximately 50 mA at 5 V with red, green, and blue at full brightness
-> 1.5A

5v 2A power supply will do it.

There is an issue, the signal voltage should be same. So either I get a step-up module 3.3->5v, or I run everything at 3.3, which is not recommended, so it should be temporary solution.

According to this:

I should use 1N4001 diods.. but I’ll be using 1N4148, they should be similar choice

Connecting the data line to GPIO 18

apt-get install build-essential python-dev git scons swig

git clone https://github.com/tdicola/rpi_ws281x.git

cd rpi_ws281x/

# scons
scons: Reading SConscript files …
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets …
CC main.o
CC ws2811.o
AR libws2811.a
RANLIB libws2811.a
LINK test
scons: done building targets.

cd python

python setup.py install

see the examples


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