PHP 5.4 on Squeeze DTC GPLHost hosting server

Old stuff, update PHP for squeeze

Before going into distribution upgrade for my hosting server:

DTC GPLHost running on Squeeze (yeah, I know.)

I will update php, using dotdeb repositories

deb squeeze all
deb-src squeeze all
deb squeeze-php54 all
deb-src squeeze-php54 all
apt-get update
!? I do not remove the dtc-toaster, just a bad feeling doing that, I should test this sometimes on some vm.
To do so, first I update mysql -> 5.1 -> 5.5
No fear,
Except mysql will not work, you need to update the user table, not the “use” command, to select the db “mysql”:
killall mysqld
mysqld –skip-grant-tables
-> in other terminal:
mysql –execute=’use mysql; ALTER table `user` MODIFY COLUMN `dtcowner` varchar(255) AFTER `authentication_string`’
killall mysqld
/etc/init.d/mysql restart
Then the PHP stuff, I had to remove roundcube-sqlite but that does not matter as it can use mysql.
And it works, great 🙂
I did not keep old config, make sure to keep copy of your old php config, and check what you should modify.
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