Proxmox host: add new guest IP with bridged network

Your Proxmox host run multiple Guests.

To add new Guest / VM IP using bridge, just do:

From the new Guest VM, /etc/network/interfaces:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
 address MY-NEW-VM-IP
 pointopoint MY-PROXMOX-HOST-IP

Update Host /etc/network/interfaces , add a new route in the vmbr0 interface section:

auto vmbr0
 up ip route add MY-NEW-VM-IP/32 dev vmbr0

Then you need to run manually from the Proxmox Host command line:

route add MY-NEW-VM-IP/32 dev vmbr0

Should do it. You can also restart/reload networking on both Host and Guest

/etc/init.d/networking restart

You may need to use also ifdown/ifup for the Guest interface

ifdown --force eth0
ifup eth0
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